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Sword Fights on the Heights IV (often shortened to SFOTH IV) is a popular sword fighting game created by Telamon. There are many different swords to fight with that are hidden throughout the level.

The goal is to amass the most KOs while avoiding getting killed. To make the game more challenging, there are several obstacles such as wobbly plates, dissapearing tiles, and "tightrope" bricks that have a tendancy to get in your way.

The game is centered around large, tall islands that float around the level, and paths (normally a "tightrope" or an obstacle) connect the islands. Swords can be found across the map.There are spheres too.


Normal Sword

All players spawn with this sword. It does a relatively low amount of damage compared to other swords.


3 players ready to fight with their swords.


This sword will do some additional damage after it hits the victim. The victim will turn green for a few seconds, and be poisoned. The poison will wear off if the poisoned character uses the Shadow Sphere or goes to the safe area.

Ice Dagger

Ice daggers are dangerous, unless you've equipted a Firebrand. They freeze your torso, and all your health is gone. It is very hard to avoid and of one the most annoying weapons in the game to most.


A dangerous sword. Once the enemy is killed, they will turn black and their limbs will fly away. Also converts damage you deal to health for your health bar.


A sword that lets you jump higher than normal if you lunge with it then jump (Double click). It also releases sparkles, which gives away your position. Average damage compared to other swords.


Does exactly double the damage of the Normal Sword. It can withstand Ice Dagger (if you hold the sword) thus you cannot be instantly killed by the sword, but you will still take damage from the sword.


When a player is lunged at by this sword, they are blown back by it. It can push people off the stage. Unfortunately, people pushed off the stage do not give you a KO when they die from falling.


When you get the Ghostwalker, if you kill nine persons without dying at once, you'll be able to be invisible. Carefully with her!

Also it increases your gravity.

Other Items


When you click with it equipped, it turns you head's color white, fully heals you, then disappears.

Shadow Sphere

It will make you invisible for a short period of time. It will then be useless for a few seconds, then you can use it again.


Teleports a player to the "Safe" area in Sword Fight on the Heights where you cannot be killed.

Shield Sphere

Also known as the "+ Sphere", it puts a forcefield around your character, removes poison, and prevents damage for however long the forcefield lasts


When you click and hold down your mouse, you rise into the air, far farther than you could with any jump. You can fall at any time by releasing your mouse. After a while, it runs our of fuel and you plummet to earth. Be sure that there is ground under you when you do run out of fuel! Eventually, you will regain fuel so you can use them again. You can only activate them if you have full fuel.

Battle Armor

When touched, your health doubles. It is not instantly healed, but your max health doubles to 200, allowing you to take more blows before dying. You shouldn't use the Shadow Sphere with this on, the Battle Armor stays opaque.

Special Objects


When touched, it launches you up high, far higher than any jump. They are recognized by their light yellow color, weld surface, and small metallic shine. Beware: Not all trampolines launch you straight up!

Wobbly Plate

A plate that, when stepped on, tilts under the weight of the player. They can be identified by their light orange color and wooden texture

Healing pad

A pad that, when touched, heals you to full health. It then turns red for a few seconds, and then turns green, which means that it can heal again.

Disappearing Tiles

Tiles that fade to fully transparent. When they are fully transparent, you can fall through them. Afterwards, they turn completely solid. the probability of them fading at any given time is completely random. You can find them connecting the Ring of Fire, and the small area that leads to the Ice Dagger. They can be found nowhere else.

Lava Spinners

Found on the path the the Ice Dagger, the spinners' lava may hurt you, but it does also have a tendency to knock you off the path and mess up your camera.

Teleportation Gate

There are 8 gates throughout the level. There are 2 gates of similar color that always lead to eachother. There are 4 gates in the safe zone, and 4 scattered throughout the level.

The tan one leads to the area where the conveyor belts to the illumina are.

The blue one leads to the base of the windforce tower. There is no other way to get to the windforce tower.

The red one leads to the Medkit stand, and the bridge to the Jetboots.

The purple one leads to the large platform where the Shield sphere is.

Fire warp

You may have noticed a long, out-of-place brick at the top of the windforce tower. Actually, it acts as a kind of "diving board" into the fire warp. If you jump off it and land inside the ring of fire, you will be teleported to the venomshank's area, where you will be thrusted up. Keep in mind that you will not land on the platform, so be sure to move once you are teleported. The thrust put on your humanoid gives you just enough push to reach the venomshank's platform. This is the only way to leave the windforce's tower, other than climbing back down and going through the blue gate again.


Telamon has put an assortment of badges in this place. Here are all the badges that you can earn here.

5 Kills at Sword Fight on the Heights


20 Kills at Sword Fights on the Heights

Manage 5 kills at Sword Fights on the Heights IV

20 Kills at Sword Fight on the Heights

Manage 20 kills at Sword Fights on the Heights IV

97 Kills at Sword Fight on the Heights

Manage 97 kills at Sword Fights on the Heights IV




- Amass 20 kills at Sword Fights on the Heights IV without dying once

John, Loved of Muses

- Find this badge under the illumina stand.

PWNED Telamon

- Kill Telamon with any sword.

PWNED Telamon *Epic*

- Kill Telamon with a Normal Sword.

Tips and Strategies

General tips

  • When you are equally matched with an opponent, you can try fishtailing (Press A and D in rapid succession) while lunging to do massive damage.
  • Ice Dagger is very dangerous, but the Firebrand makes you immune to instant freezing.
  • The Venomshank is dangerous if you're caught unarmed. Be sure to carry a Shield Sphere to ward off poison.
  • While hard to get, the Ghostwalker greatly helps with movement. You can evade lots of sticky situations with it.
  • Illuminas are dangerous, because the person wielding the illumina can jump over you and get you in the back
  • Leading persuing players onto disappearing plates is useful, if possible.
  • The touchstone is the ultimate tool for getting you out of a sticky situation.

Be sure to have at least one item if you're going against someone. The darkheart is recommended because if its versatility and healing capabilities.

The "Ring of Fire" strategy

Staying in the "Ring of Fire" is dangerous if you're not properly equipped for constant combat. Bring a shield sphere, a darkheart, 2-3 medkits, and a firebrand (to cover ice dagger users). Be sure to use healing pads if they are open and vacant (Meaning, there's no one heading for it). If you cannot keep up with the foe, jump off the edge of the ring and try to land in the safe zone below. An illumina or ghostwalker helps the manuver greatly. The Ring of Fire can get you large amounts of KOs, and lets you control the busiest crossroad in the level, but it is extremely hard to last there, and is only recommended for experienced swordfighters.

The "Invisible Assassination" strategy

This involves a level 9 ghostwalker, so be prepared for this in advance.
The general idea of the strategy is to find the small ledge over the darkheart's cave and hide your ghostwalker in the wall, while the rest of you stays invisible. When a player walks by to get a darkheart, you drop in, take them out, and throw the darkheart off the stage. Rinse and repeat. However, the strategy gets suspected after one has been pounced on 2-3 times, so you should use this strategy to cut off darkheart supply when things are getting rough. Do not expect to use this strategy successfully your entire game.

The "Ice-counter" strategy

In a server full of icers? Get a firebrand, a few medkits, a battle armor, and a shield sphere, and get ready to camp near the ice dagger sword! It is remote, so you can't make a supply run during the strategy, so be sure to stock up beforehand. The idea is you're immune to any existing ice daggers, and you're very defensively set up. You can pretty much fend off anyone going for an ice dagger, and you can easilly handle anyone WITH the dagger. Again, do not expect to last here for your entire game. This is only a temporary fix for the problem, but you can continue it until everyone who relies on an ice dagger quits.
